Fred Sampson
Content Strategist Author Perpetual Volunteer
My first book, Effective Prototyping with Excel: A practical handbook for developers and designers (Interactive Technologies) , which I co-authored with my friends Jonathan Arnowitz, Michael Arent, and Nevin Berger, was published in 2009.
My day job entails developing and implementing content strategy for data science products at IBM, including Data Science Experience. In addition to my work as an content strategist at IBM Silicon Valley Lab, I have also found myself in the position of accidental social media trainer.
I am currently a member of the ACM SIGCHI Operations Team; I was Vice-President for Operations from 2009 to 2016; I was Vice-President for Finance of ACM SIGCHI from 2006 to 2009. I was a leader in the Silicon Valley chapter of STC from 2000 to 2005, and have contributed to STC at the society level: I was recognized with the STC President's Award in 2004. And I've been webmaster for CHI and DUX conference websites.
My interests include user experience design and information architecture as informed by the art and science of technical communication.
See the articles archive for online versions of my articles from ACM <interactions> magazine.
My blog has been retired; you can follow me on Twitter: @wfreds.
My LinkedIn profile
Contact me:
Fred Sampson