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Call for Papers:
ACM Interactions: Special Section on User Assistance

Submissions Deadline: September 1, 2006
Publication Issue: January-February 2007
Guest Editor: Fred Sampson,

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Author guidelines

Interactions is published bi-monthly by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) for designers of interactive products. Interactions balances articles written for researchers and professionals alike, providing broad coverage of topics relevant to the HCI community. Interactions is closely associated with ACM SIGCHI, the special interest group for computer-human interaction.

The January-February 2007 issue of Interactions will focus on the design and delivery of user assistance (help, embedded assistance, online help, and so on). The design of user assistance for a variety of platforms and devices, as well as for a range of user skills and knowledge, offers unique challenges to interaction designers. Share your experiences and insights on user assistance with readers of Interactions.

Interactions invites authors to submit original case studies and articles on the topic of user assistance. Your submission must not have been previously published. Relevant contributions will address issues related, but not limited, to the following:

  • Interaction design of systems to provide user assistance
  • Innovative methods for conducting user experience evaluations of user assistance
  • Novel user interfaces or interaction methods for user assistance
  • Basic principles of the psychology of effective user assistance
  • Best practices and interaction guidelines in the design of effective user assistance
  • Field research related to user assistance systems interaction in the wild
  • Social or philosophical issues related to the design and delivery of user assistance

Interactions invites papers in the following formats:

1. Case studies 8-10 pages (4000-5000 words). Case studies are reports on experiences gained and lessons learned designing, using, or studying user assistance. Case studies take a comprehensive view of a problem, from requirements analysis through design, implementation, and use.
2. Articles 1-3 pages (800-1200 words). Articles are much shorter and broader than case studies. Articles present research findings, points of view, social or philosophical inquiries, novel interface designs, or other information relevant to the HCI community regarding user assistance and the user experience.

Articles that appear in Interactions are archived in the ACM Digital Library and are available online after publication.

The Special Section on User Assistance will appear in the January-February 2007 issue of Interactions. The deadline for submissions is September 1, 2006. For more information, contact Fred Sampson at

Contact me:
Fred Sampson

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