One of the attractions of Montpellier, and the Antigone district in particular, is the variety of “marchés” (markets, usually meaning farmers’ markets). There’s the one out on the Allée du Nouveau Monde on Sundays — tomorrow, yay !; the one in the plazas right out front on Wednesdays; and then there’s the Marché aux Livres, put on by La Mémoire du Livre on the Esplanade on Saturdays. That’s where I was today, of course.
That’s right, a book market, every weekend (unless it rains). Here’s today’s catch:

From the bottom up, one book of Renoir paintings, two from Camus, three from Daniel Pennac, one Marguerite Duras, one Blaise Cendrars, and a lexicon of Occitan (the old language of these parts) to French. Because, you know, linguistics.
There’s also the full-on Comédie du Livres, but not until May.