Apparently the French malls are just as eager as those back in the U.S. in terms of starting holiday season nice and early. Here’s one of the signs, capture in the Polygone two days ago:

Meanwhile, my posts have slowed down because the activity has slowed down a bit. Met up with a couple of American ex-pats for coffee and a chat; checked out the Librairie le Géosphére, which specializes in maps and books on travel; going to a concert — “Star Wars” — tonight at the Opera Berlioz, which is located in the Corum conference center.
Today is rather clear and sunny, but rain (again) forecast for tomorrow. Hoping it holds off enough to allow the bouquinistes to put out their displays.
Also, I’d been holding off to buy a printer until I really had the need, knowing I could pretty much walk into FNAC and say “That one” when the need came. Which it did, today, so I did, that is, walked into FNAC and said “That one, and some paper, please.” Document printed, signed, scanned, and emailed. Don’t we just love technology !?